Thursday, September 13, 2012

What Have We Done Over The Past Few Days In Class?

Over the past couple days, we have been talking about the Constitution and how our country got started. More specifically, the decisions that had to be made in order to form a Constitution that everyone agreed on. While this extremely important document was just a work in progress, there were many disputes on various subjects; all of which we discussed in class. One decision that had to be made was whether the United States should have a bicameral legislature or unicameral legislature. Another dispute was over representation. Some believed in equal representation while others believed in proportional representation. Lastly, there was an argument between the delgates on election by the people or election by the legislature. We learned that all of these disputes were resolved by compromising. This compromise is known as the Connecticut Compromise. We have also done some other work with the Constitution. For example, we had to memorize the Preamble. Overall, i think we have learned a lot about the Constitution over the past few days.

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